Road Safety Pledge

On November 18-19, deputizing for Minister Guy, I was privileged to head the Jamaican delegation to the 2nd High Level Global Conference on Road Safety which was held in Brasilia, Brazil ; we were also present at the First HIgh Level Conference held in Moscow, Russia in 2009 where the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety was launched. The goal of which targeted action, as restated in this, ‘ midway assessment meeting’, is to cut by a half the expected rise in road deaths across the world; from the annual 1.2 million to just under 1 million road deaths.
I plan to submit a full report to our Chairman the Hon. PM, and Minister Guy, and will release such a report to the media subsequently, as there are many new initiatives discussed at the meeting, that Jamaica can adopt, and adapt, to help to reduce our rising number of road deaths.
But for now, I am requesting that you help to spread this ‘word’ from the FIA; the governing body for world motor racing, and one of the main organizations working closely with the UN agencies, including the WHO, to mobilize the international community in the fight against this, what someone aptly termed, ‘ modern day scourge’.


all passengers are my responsibility

rules are there to protect us all

my car is made of metal, pedestrians and children are not

both for wear and for correct inflation, including the spare

when I am drunk or on drugs, I am a danger on the road

keep them safe in car seats

calling and texting make me dangerous

getting there late is better than not at all

motorbikes and bicycles don’t protect my head

respect other drives

Let’s try and make this a national campaign. You can actually sign the pledge on the FIA website


Dr. Lucien W. Jones
Vice- Chairman

Dr. Lucien W. Jones
Vice Chairman
National Road Safety Council

Patron – His Excellency Sir Patrick Allen: Governor General
Chairman – The Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller: Prime Minister
Exec. Dir. – Mrs. Paula Fletcher MBA

Office e-mail
Tel no. 968-1109
twitter @nationaroadsafety
Facebook nationalroadsafety

Satan behind every evil act – #EgyptCrash : God alone can protect us from evil in and through Christ Jesus

I read my Bible to see what men ought to do; and read my newspapers ( and smart phone apps) to see what men are doing.

Lord renew thy church beginning with me; Lord renew the church that the church may renew the Church.
Because we know what it is to fear god we try to persuade men.


The week the the shooting death of a young medical student, who panicked and ran from an armed robber, coupled with the news of multiple rounds pumped into a father and his one year child, shocked an already traumatized nation. As it is not easy to live with this kind evil occurring week after week, and month after month.–UTech-condemn–brutal-murder–of-med-student

The news broke this week also that the embattled Minister of Health, Dr. Fenton Ferguson, who presided over a Health Ministry at a time when the nation was reeling from the news of 19 babies who died from bacterial infections, was removed from his office by the Prime Minister.


So what Word or inspired word did the the Lord send this week as I agonized over these two events in particular. A constant theme was the need to understand the struggle between good and evil. And that there is only one winner. But only for those who trust in the God of Jacob.

THE FIRST MESSAGE – sent out on Whatsapp. And features a warning from God’s Word not to place our trust in any man. Regardless of how popular he or she is!

Generally I don’t have a problem sleeping. Thank God. But every often the Lord wakes me up in a special way. To read His Word! Last night it was 1:20 am. To read about His Wisdom in Proverbs 15 & 16. And then this morning in my devotions Psalm 146; the Psalm appointed for reading in my Church for Sunday coming.
Context? Two things. Have you been pushed by the trials and troubles and spiritual warfare in life to ‘ the end of your rope’? Right up against the wall! Are you deeply disturbed about the state of your country? Do you find the arguments and prescriptions for change by your local talk show hosts in various parts of the media, appealing. Revolutionary even?

In Jamaica we have had many who got ‘ into the heads’ of our people. To the extent that a day could not pass without listening to, ‘ Mutty Perkins’. Or Tony Abrahams and Beverley Manley on ‘ The Breakfast Club’! Currently Cliff Hughes and Dionne Jackson Miller ‘ rule the roost’; and are a ‘ terror’ to the Politicians in particular. While in the USA, Oprah Winfrey and Russ Limbaugh, on either side of the political spectrum ‘ run tings’. And in recent times young Dr. Michael Abrahams has become the ‘ darling’ of the social media in Jamaica.

But while we are busy trying to solve our own personal and national problems, ‘ pushed against the wall’, the Lord God, who created man, the earth and the heaven and the sea, and all that is in it, speaks to us lovingly and faithfully, from His Word.
Last night:

‘ By loyalty and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for,
and by the fear of the Lord one avoids evil.
When the ways of people please the Lord,
he causes even their enemies to be at peace with them. Proverbs 16:6-7

This morning:

‘ Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men who cannot save.
When their spirit departs they return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them –
the Lord who remains faithful forever.
He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives good to the hungry.
Psalm 146:3-8 NIV

Yesterday was celebrated in some Churches as All Saints Day. Originally meant to recall the persecution and suffering and death of the martyrs of the early church; and to give thanks for those persevered. In recent times it had been broadened to include all those who suffered and died in Christ – the Saints.
So, despite the temptation to ‘ give in’ and give up’, and trust ‘ in princes’ like the rest of the world, and seek our own solutions for our problems, the perseverance of the Saints of yure, under extreme pressure ‘ with their backs right up against the wall’, offers us encouragement. That the God of Jacob is a faithful God! We can trust Him as others have done. Even when facing certain death!
For our God can make even our former enemies, live in peace with us.
Once we remain loyal and faithful to Him.

So can PNP and JLP, Republicans and Democrats, ‘ two warring tribes’ ever live ‘ in peace’? Can a home where love and trust has broken down so badly between parents, and even children ever, like Humpty Dumpty ‘ put together again?
Can a country wracked with Crime and Violence, Corruption and Injustice ever find Peace again? Can warring factions in the Middle East ever find Peace in this World?
This morning the God of Jacob says ” Yes” in Christ Jesus. And then we say ‘ Amen’. For with man, it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.

THE SECOND MESSAGE – sent out on Whatsapp features a Word from the Lord which reveals to us our history. And hence the importance of the salvation offered by Christ. Even as we contemplate the solution to the number one social problem in our country. Violent Crime.

Last night I heard three perspectives on why Crime and Violence is so pervasive in Jamaica.
– because of indiscipline. Dennis Chung, the Executive Director of the Private Sector of Jamaica PSOJ
– associated with inner city neglect and decay. And whether or not there is a ‘ chicken and egg ‘ situation at play. Bruce Golding, former Prime Minister of Jamaica
– If you want to fight crime you have to take care of the people who lead the fight against crime. viz. The Police. Andrew Holness leader of the Opposition Jamaica Labour Party.
Last week, immediately after writing about a ‘ profound theological truth’, that no one should boast before the Lord, I was led to this Word of God. And which Word not only validates the theological truth – as I read it I became almost frightened at the speed and clarity with which the Lord speaks – but gives ‘ better and more particulars’ on this matter of Crime and Violence. And also infidelity in the marriage; disobedience in children, even at a young and tender age; and all kinds of social ills.

For the Word of God is indeed, ‘ sharper then any two edged sword, penetrating to dividing soul and spirit……it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
And what has gone wrong in Jamaica, in the USA – where people die there every day too, even in #rightaddresses; the latest scourge affecting middle and upper class America is Heroin addiction; last year over 8000, mostly young people, died tragically from an overdose of that ‘ recreational drug’: is a disease of the heart. Which only Jesus can fix. Permanently.

That’s why the Psalmist cried out:
” Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a right Spirit in me’. 51:10
That’s why we need to share the Good News that Jesus saves, and help to rescue our country. And the whole world, held captive by ‘ ruler of the kingdom of the air’!

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

THE THIRD MESSAGE – sent out on Whatsapp features a Word which has served to strengthen the faithful over the years; that suffering is redemptive

In #Jamaicalandwelove, the ‘ drums of elections’, are beating. Just like those in America. The stakes are high. State Power! No doubt that’s the reason behind the suspension of the business of Parliament, the lower House, yesterday, as turmoil reigned.
The situation in America may be slightly different, as #RemoveObama at all cost, has been one of the issues which has driven a wedge between Republicans and Democrats; and not just the desire to place their ‘ man’ in the White House.
But there is another election coming, as the Lord reminded me by His Word early this morning. And the stakes are even higher. Eternal Life in Christ vs Eternal Separation from God – Judgement. And the God who created Heaven and Earth, and all mankind, having rescued Creation by The Atonement for Sin on Calvary, has now given to His Church, the Mandate – The Ministry – and the Power to show those who are not yet in Christ, not yet Saved, not yet Baptised, ‘ The Face of a Loving and Merciful God.
For this God ‘ famously has mercy on the wicked and the ungrateful’, viz. those who claim He does not exist; those who ignore and reject the cleansing Blood of a Suffering and Crucified Christ; those who look to idols for ‘ salvation’ and comfort rather than The Living God; those who live in such desperate conditions in #WrongAddresses that they find it difficult to serve a Holy God ; and those who have experienced the Joy of God’s love but have since turned away.
But equally so a God who will Judge the world one day – The more important Election!
THE WORD OF GOD But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?
All of this began yesterday when I was led to read Chris Tiegreen’s Wonder of The Cross Devotional for November 3.
The Verse:
In him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Ephesians 2:22
These closing words:
Creation displays God’s glory. The heavens speak forth His glory. Israel was chosen for glory. The Church I’d being built as a monument to God’s glory. Everything God does points to that purpose. God has chosen to display His glory in remarkable ways.
The remarkable is His desire to inhabit His own creation. In order to do that, He redeemed sinners and poured out His Spirit into them. The infinite God lives in finite beings. That’s amazing.
That’s so amazing, in fact , that we should spend the better part of our days soaking in the Spirit, operating in His gifts and by His strength. The world needs the presence of God, and we are called to be the presence of God. We exist to give everyone a glimpse of what the glory of the Kingdom will be like.
Finally the Word which caused me to wake up and read and write and share. For be warned, if you ‘ look like God’, if you are faithful in your Ministry then, not ‘ prosperity’ awaits, but that which awaited Christ, and that which has awaited all the Saints throughout the history of the Church -suffering and trials. And thank God Peace in the midst of the storm.
For that’s how God has chosen to ‘ show His face’ to a dying world. So that no one should boast! Nor despair in the face of extreme wickedness as manifested in the level of Crime and Violence in our countries, or in the face of personal trials which attend us along the way.

THE WORD OF GOD Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
And as I am about to press Send strains of :
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling;
Calling for me and for you.
Why should we linger when Jesus is calling,
Calling for you and for me.
Come home, come home.
All ye who are weary come home….
come into my mind. From memory!

THE FOURTH MESSAGE – sent out on the morning that the news broke about the death of the young female student. A Word of comfort that in the midst of trouble God delivers us from evil


Last night, as I read this quote from Oswald Chambers’ Complete Works, in which is to be found the world famous Devotional, ‘ My Utmost For His Highest’, it touched something deep in my soul:
To people who are satisfied on too shallow a level the Bible is a book of impertinences, but whenever human nature is driven to the end of things, then the Bible becomes the only Book and God the only being in the world.
And then I recalled another quote from the same theologian, I think, or if not another wise person, that :
‘ you never know that you need Jesus, until Jesus is all that you have’.

Then this morning I woke up with a passage from St. Paul in my head. One that has ‘ stayed with me’ for years now; just the profound truth of it all. And on opening the Bible to search for it, this Word from the Psalmist, highlighted in green ink, with the obvious implication, stared me in the face:

‘They were hungry and thirsty,
and their lives ebbed away.
Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress’. Psalm 107: 5-6 NIV

THE WORD OF GOD – ST. PAUL We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.

What do we make of all if this? Influenced by the Scientist and renowned Atheist, Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, and others, it has become common, and in some cases, almost fashionable, if not de rigueur, not to believe in God, or to declare that ‘ God is dead’. Or just ignore His existence and get along with your life.
Until, very sadly, and with great pain, as a friend of mine, lost his son – one of my daughter’s friends – in that wicked act, 9/11 happened.
Then America, and perhaps others across the world, reacted philosophically in two ways. One was, a temporary ‘ filling of the pews’, of churches, by many who had not gone there for years, as reported on the news networks at that time. The other was to question, ‘ why would a good God allow such wickedness to happen’? Of course militarily, other actions ensued.

Once again Jamaica is under the ‘ gun’, as we woke up tob the news on the front page of The Daily Gleaner, that a 22 year old medical student was murdered in one section of the island. And a man and his one year old infant shot multiple times, in another section. God have mercy indeed!

The question is, how much more, how much longer will it take a nation, whose people were rescued from the hell of slavery, from death itself, by the God of Jacob and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, before we collectively cry out to this God, like the Psalmist. And receive deliverance from the evil of murder!
And the same question can be posed to America, the only Industrialized Country to have such a high rate of homicide! A nation of immigrants, whose history, apart from the native Americans, is rooted in deliverance from religious persecution in Europe.
Many have turned to God when potentially life threatening illnesses strike; when they realize that Jesus is all that they have now, after living a life of ‘ gay abandon’. Others in times of financial disaster; while others find the Lord out of the ‘ death’ of addiction to drugs. For our God, is a God who ‘ raises the dead’. And fashioned for Himself and His Glory a ‘ fair land’ called Jamaica, which was once the envy of many nations, including Singapore.
Until ‘ Jeshurun grew fat and kicked’ – you can read the sad and tragic story of how Israel rebelled against the God of Abraham in Deuteronomy 32. In the same way that, led by the influence of ‘ wise and powerful heads’, far too many Jamaicans, children of slaves freed by the efforts of Baptist Deacon Sam Sharpe and others, sought their ‘salvation’ in their Political leaders and the ‘ system’, in ‘ bling’ and ultimately in the Don. And in the same way America has grown fat and kicked. And so we are now reaping the ‘ fruits’ of this madness.

And yet, and yet, in all of this God never turns His back on anyone or any nation. For we can still hear Him calling from the Cross of Calvary:

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
calling for you and for me….
Why should we linger when Jesus is calling,
calling for you and for me.
Come home, come home
All who are weary come home.
Softly and tenderly….

THE FIFTH MESSAGE – sent out on WhatsApp is really a prelude to a deeper consideration of the reality of Satan, and how he has influenced the world, and promoted evil. But thank God for the Blood of Jesus which ‘covers’ all Sin and rescues us from Evil.

Last night, like the Psalmist from yesterday’s message, ‘ I cried out to the Lord’. O God have mercy on my country. For it hard to live in a place where a man can just kill a young girl just like that. Why did he have to kill a poor frightened young lady running away, more than likely, because she panicked? Why didn’t he just run after her and grab the bag and leave her alone? What manner of evil is this?
This morning as I began my devotions, searching for one hymn but led to another, which taught me more about the death of my Lord on Calvary, I began to receive an answer.
A reminder really! That we ‘ fight not against flesh and blood’ but against supernatural evil. And that’s why we need the help of an ‘ Awesome God’.
Sadly, it is only when our collective backs are against the proverbial wall, that the ‘ veil of secrecy’ is pulled back and the reality of evil if fully revealed.
I don’t know how many of you have read or can recall – for this ministry goes out to both the committed and the uncommitted in Christ – one of the most dramatic scenes in the Bible. Far better than TNT can ever produce. When the veil is lifted and we see life as it really is. A clash of Supernatural Forces, with only One Winner. The scene as described by the Word below is never far from my consciousness. And this morning it came into my mind.
THE WORD OF GOD When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord , so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
Now we know, if we weren’t already aware, of the origins of the inspirational Movie ‘ Chariots of Fire’.
There is Professor at UWI, Herbert Gayle who studies human behavior, and who has done excellent work on exposing some of the root causes for violent crime in Jamaica. At the top of the list, not surprisingly is the much debated ‘ absent father’ reality. And how that phenomenon and deficit in the socialization process makes these boys more vulnerable to the pull of the gang and the instructions of the Don. The combination of which is literally and metaphorically ‘ deadly’.
But as I wrote in the last message, OSWALD CHAMBERS the great theologian, inspired by the Word of God has ‘ further and better particulars’, as the lawyers would say. For writing about The Philosophy of Sin in his Complete Works, he writes this:
‘ One of the significant things the Bible reveals about Satan is that he rarely works without being incarnated ( see Genesis 3:15 and Matthew 16:23.) God’s Spirit and our Lord trace Satan behind men and women who are really time-manifestations of Satan……
The fact that people ridicule the belief in Satan and sin is simply an indication of the principle that we have laid down, that we do not see God till we get to the last point and His Word has no meaning for us until we get there.’
The question is, with another senseless, horrific and horrifying killing, once again traumatising the nation’s psyche, and ‘ ripping out the belly bottom’, of this young lady’s mother, and other family members, to whom will we turn for comfort and true ‘ salvation’ in this ‘ demon possessed’, not just nation, but world.
For by now we must realize that ‘ Jesus is all we have’ and need, in this Cosmic struggle between good and evil.
So for a moment, just for a brief moment, let us forget about the drum beat of elections, about what entertainment awaits us on TV, TNT, Netflix, and HBO, or on the town, this weekend. Let us forget about the news on TV, or on the radio or the discussions on the Talk Show programs, and spend some time in this hymn which triggered this message from the Lord. On a morning when a confused nation and a grief stricken mother seek to find answers in a confusing world.
Actually in order to ‘ cut a long story short’, I’ll just share the second half of the second verse of the hymn, and the glorious response to mercy in the final verse of ‘ Come, thou fount of every blessing’:

……Jesus sought me when a stranger
wandering from the fold of God;
he, to rescue me from danger,
interposed his precious blood.
Oh, to grace how great a debtor
daily I’m constrained to be !
Let thy goodness, like a fetter,
bind my wandering heart to thee:
prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
prone to leave the God I love;
here’s my heart, oh, take and seal it,
seal it for thy courts above

For the Eternal Truth is that the Supernatural God in Christ Jesus has rescued us from Supernatural Evil on the Cross. Evil which manifests itself in simple things and in big things. Like the wicked slaying of a young girl. But most importantly in our being held captive to Sin and Death. I pray God that her parents and family, and my beleaguered country, will find solace in the blessed reality, that in Christ Jesus her soul is safe from all evil. Forever!
And that’s why my Savior deserves all the praise and the honor and the glory. For such a Salvation, such a victory over Satan was purchased by His precious Blood on Calvary.

THE FINAL MESSAGE – sent out on WhatApp and which was blogged on account of the central message of the reality of evil. And the ( desperate) need for Jesus in our lives.


Last night, after contemplating all day on yesterday’s message – they probably help me more than they help others – I prayed before going to bed. That God would grant me, and all with whom I come in contact, wherever, with some special persons in mind, the gift of discerment to know when Satan is acting through individuals, thoughts and situations. And for protection from evil.
I must confess that I prayed for the no longer embattled Minister of Health, who lost his job; eventually over the ‘ dead babies scandal’, but which movement to unseat him, had its genesis in prior events and policy decisions. And I wondered how much of that which led to his downfall was as result of his own personal failings, and how much was a consequence of him who the Bible tells us has come to;
steal and to kill and (ultimately) to destroy.
For at a deeper level, as the veil was ‘ pulled back’ in yesterday’s message, we know that there is a clear connection between human failings and Satanic action. The prime example and most devastating to the human race played itself out in the Garden of Eden, where Satan had an unsuspecting, naive to the ways of pure evil, and curious Eve, and disobedient Adam – the ‘ accountable officer – for ‘ lunch’. As described by Oswald Chambers in The Philosophy of Sin to which I returned last night.

For make no mistake about it, and the world needs to ‘ wake up everybody’ ( as the famous singer Teddy Pendergrass sang), to the reality that when a bomb goes off on a plane carrying holidaymakers retuning from an Egyptian tourist area, man may claim the responsibility, but lift the veil and you will see Satan behind it all.

Lift the veil of secrecy from thousands of murders carried out by evil men, and you will find Satan behind the wickedness that has overtaken the Jamaican society like a modern day plague. All because a select few powerful individuals introduced gun violence to unsuspecting, naive to the ways of pure evil, curious and vulnerable youths, in the late ‘ 60’s and early ’70’s.

Lift the veil of secrecy that surrounds the millions of people who have died from road traffic crashes, HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse, Abortions, and even infections in premature babies’, and although individuals and governments have to accept personal and collective responsibility, ultimately Satan is the one acting to destroy. For that’s his goal. And destruction in his warped mind is anything that will separate us permanently from a loving God. Including rejecting Christ as Lord and Saviour.

This morning as I began my devotions, contemplating all of this revelation, the Lord directed me to the solution. The only protection we have against this ‘ roaring and ravenous lion’ who is determined to cause havoc in our lives, create mayhem in our communities and deaths in our nation. Whether premature babies, young girls going to Universities or older people who ought to be left to die in peace having served well.
The Benedictus, about which I have written before, is used in my church and others for a type of worship service called Morning Prayer. A service which has its origins in the glorious history of the early church.
In this song, the father of John the Baptist, the first Evangelist, is given a profound message from the Lord on the birth of his son. In the same way that Mary the mother of Jesus sang a new song – The Magnificat – when she was told by the Holy Spirit that she would give birth to her Saviour.
So in this song – edited – found in Luke chapter one we are given the following revelations.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel:
for He had visited, and redeemed his people;
And hath raised up a mighty salvation for us: in the house of his servant David;
As he spoke by the mouth of his holy Prophets: that we should be saved from our enemies: and from the hands of all who that hate us.
( as I read this verse, words from Psalm 35 which I pray each night before going to bed came to mind. ‘ Contend, O Lord, with those who contend against me; fight against those who fight against me….May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the Lord driving them away).
….That we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies: might serve him without fear;
In holiness and righteousness before him all the days if our lives.
And thou, child, shall be called the Prophet of the Highest: for thou shall go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways;
To give knowledge of salvation unto his people: for the remission of their sins……
To give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death.

Final comments:
One of the dangers of modern politics is that leaders are often so caught up with serving that they neglect their spiritual life. A very dangerous thing to do when a ‘ roaring lion ‘ awaits their every action and decision. To steal and kill and destroy. And do even more damage to they, their families and the nation, than that which personal human failings will do; and in some cases in combination with such failings.
But the virus of complacency, ignorance of the ways of pure evil, and disobedience does not only affect Government Ministers. So today it may be #FireFenton, but tomorrow if they are not vigilant and pay no attention to the John the Baptist’s of this world, the authentic Church, the same roaring lion awaits people in the media, members of the opposition, members of civil society, the private sector and others. As Satan is not partial. And will always, always, seek to destroy whom he will. Those who ‘ sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. viz. those who have not yet accepted the free Gift of Forgiveness of Sins offered by the shed Blood of Jesus, the mighty salvation about which John the Baptist’s father sang in the Benedictus.

Our role then, in the midst of controversy, and the fall from grace of a Minister, or anyone else, publicly or privately, as children of God, rescued by Grace, from the roaring lion, Satan, is neither to rejoice not condemn, but to seek more fervently to spread the Good News, that only Jesus saves. From evil.
For if we get caught up in the trap of ‘ doing what others do’, we lose our identify as children of God, and our protection from evil. And we too will become vulnerable to the plans of the roaring lion.

Satan is busy in Egypt and Jamaica but God is Real


Last night, after contemplating all day on yesterday’s message – they probably help me more than they help others – I prayed before going to bed. That God would grant me,  and  all with whom I come in contact, wherever,  with some special persons in mind, the gift of discerment to know when Satan is acting through individuals, thoughts and situations. And for protection from evil.

I must confess that I prayed for the no longer embattled Minister of Health, who lost his job; eventually over the ‘ dead babies scandal’, but which movement to unseat him,  had its genesis in prior events and policy decisions. And I wondered how much of that which led to his downfall was as  result of his own personal failings, and how much was a consequence of him who the Bible tells us has come to;
steal and to kill and (ultimately) to destroy.
For at a deeper level, as the veil was ‘ pulled back’ in yesterday’s message, we know that  there is a clear connection between human failings and Satanic action. The prime example and most devastating to the human race played itself out in the Garden of Eden, where Satan had an unsuspecting, naive to the ways of pure evil, and curious Eve, and disobedient Adam – the ‘ accountable officer – for ‘ lunch’. As described by Oswald Chambers in The Philosophy of Sin to which I returned last night.

For make no mistake about it, and the world needs to ‘ wake up everybody’  ( as the famous singer Teddy Pendergrass sang),  to the reality that when a bomb goes off on a plane carrying holidaymakers retuning from an  Egyptian tourist area,  man may claim the responsibility, but lift the veil and you will see Satan behind it all.

Lift the veil of secrecy from thousands of murders  carried out by evil men,   and you will  find Satan behind the wickedness that has overtaken the Jamaican society like a modern day plague. All because a select few powerful  individuals introduced gun violence to unsuspecting, naive to the ways of pure evil,  curious and vulnerable youths, in the late ‘ 60’s and early ’70’s.

Lift the veil of secrecy that surrounds the millions of people who have died from road traffic crashes, HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse, Abortions, and even infections in premature babies’, and although individuals and governments  have to accept personal and collective responsibility, ultimately Satan is the one acting to destroy. For that’s his goal. And destruction in his warped mind is anything that will separate us permanently from a loving God. Including rejecting Christ as Lord and Saviour.

This morning as I began my devotions, contemplating all of this revelation, the Lord directed me to the solution. The only protection we have against this ‘ roaring and ravenous lion’ who is determined to cause havoc in our lives,  create mayhem in our communities and deaths in our  nation. Whether premature babies, young girls going to Universities or older people who ought to be left to die in peace having served well.

The Benedictus, about which I have written before, is used in my church and others for a type of worship service called Morning Prayer. A service which has its origins in the  glorious history of the early church.
In this song, the father of John the Baptist, the first Evangelist, is given a profound message from the Lord on the birth of his son. In the same way that Mary the  mother of  Jesus sang a new song  – The Magnificat – when she was told by the Holy Spirit that she would give birth to her Saviour.
So in this song – edited – found in Luke chapter one we are given the following revelations.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel:
for He had visited, and redeemed his people;
And hath raised up a mighty salvation for us: in the house of his servant David;
As he spoke by the mouth of his holy Prophets: that we should be saved from our enemies: and from the hands of all who that hate us.

( as I read this verse, words from Psalm 35 which I pray each night before going to bed came to mind. ‘ Contend,  O Lord,  with  those who contend against me; fight against those who fight against me….May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the Lord driving them away).

….That we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies: might serve him without fear;
In holiness and righteousness before him all the days if our lives.
And thou, child, shall be called the Prophet of the Highest: for thou shall go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways;
To give knowledge of salvation unto his people: for the remission of their sins……
To give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death.

Final comments:
One of the dangers of modern politics is that leaders are  often so caught up with serving that they neglect their spiritual life. A very dangerous thing to do when a ‘ roaring lion ‘ awaits their every action and decision. To steal and kill and destroy. And do even more damage to they, their families and the nation, than that which personal human failings will do; and in some cases in combination with such failings.
But the virus of complacency, ignorance of the ways of pure evil, and  disobedience does not only affect Government Ministers. So today it may be #FireFenton,  but tomorrow if they are not vigilant and pay no attention to the John the Baptist’s of this world, the authentic Church, the  same roaring lion awaits people in the media, members of the opposition, members of civil society, the private sector and others. As Satan is not partial. And will always, always,  seek to destroy whom he will. Those who ‘ sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. viz. those who have not yet accepted the free Gift of Forgiveness of Sins offered by the shed Blood of Jesus, the mighty salvation about which John the Baptist’s father sang in the Benedictus.

Our role then,  in the midst of controversy, and the fall from grace of a Minister, or anyone else, publicly or privately,  as children of God, rescued by Grace, from the roaring lion, Satan,  is neither to rejoice not condemn, but to seek more fervently to spread the Good News, that only Jesus saves. From evil.
For if we get caught up in the trap of  ‘ doing what others do’, we lose our identify as children of God, and our protection from evil. And we too will become vulnerable to the plans of the roaring lion.

Death in a Night Club, in an Air-plane, in Hospitals. And abiding in Christ

I read my Bible to see what men ought to do; and read my newspapers to see what men are doing.
Lord renew thy Church beginning with me; Lord renew the Church that the Church may renew the nation(s).
Because we know what it is to fear the Lord we try to persuade men


The news out of Sophia in Romania about the 27 young people who perished, and 80 plus badly burnt, in a fire touched me deeply. This happened is folks were out to celebrate Halloween and got permission to use pyrotechnics in a Night Club which had only one entrance and one exit. What a tragedy and eminently preventable waste of precious human life!

The terrible waste of human lives in yet another plane crash; this time a Russian plane carrying tourists from Egypt to St. Petersburg. Again what a tragedy!

The continued standoff between Opposition and Government Senators in Jamaica, with no apparent resolution in sight.
The circumstances surrounding the terrible loss of young lives, 19 premature babies died recently in two hospitals, and the public’s overwhelmingly negative reaction to those who they assume to be responsible.


In the midst of these tragedies and controversy in the Senate, what Word or inspired word did the Lord send this week.

THE FIRST MESSAGE – sets the stage for the entire mail out this week. The ominous presence of Sin; which has wounded the entire human race and led to so much trials and trouble. And which condition can only be rescued by the ‘ Blood of the Lamb’.

As I awoke early this morning to finish, by God’s grace, a sermon on Healing, I was struck by the profound summary of the essence of the Christian faith which two verses of a wonderful hymn provides.
The first one I have been inspired to use as a prayer at the beginning of the Sermon. And the other at the end.
One captures the essence of the human condition – wounded by Sin, and held captive by the Prince of Darkness – and describes fulsomely the great rescue plan by God in Christ. While the other is a prescription for how and why and what ought to occupy our thoughts, influence our prayers, and fill the yearnings of our hearts. All because God in Christ, with the kind of love that passeth all human understanding, died for us on that wondrous Cross. And which kind of Love demands, ‘our life, our soul our all’.
Can you imagine how our nation would change, overnight, and would be healed of so much evil and challenges, if more and more of us would consider deeply, and be obedient to this word; even as we go to the house of the Lord to worship on this glorious Sunday morning. Or stay at home, having worshiped on the Sabbath. Or just stay at home. Or be otherwise occupied.

The opening prayer/verse two

I delivered thee when bound,
And when bleeding, healed thy wound;
Sought thee wandering, set the right
Turned thy darkness into light.

The closing prayer/verse six

Lord it is my chief complaint,
That my love for thee is weak and faint;
Yet I love thee and adore,
O for grace to love thee more.
Please pray for me, as I continue to pray for all who receive these messages as appointed by the Lord.

THE SECOND MESSAGE – features a history lesson on the UK in the 18th Century and how much we in Jamaica can learn from that experience, as we struggle with our own ‘savagery’. All caused by Sin.

I woke up this morning with verse two from yesterday’s message in my head.

I delivered thee when bound,
and when bleeding healed thy wounds;
Sought thee wandering, set the free
turned thy darkness into light.

Then out out nowhere came a familiar verse:

‘ Have you ever given orders to the dawn’

Initially I thought it was from one of the Psalms; and went there searching for it. But then, rather than have me waste previous time on a busy Monday morning, I was reminded that it came from Job.
Here’s the full text:

” Have you ever given orders to the morning,
or shown the dawn its place,
that it might take the earth by the edges
and shake the wicked out of it?
Job 38:12 NIV

The significance of this Word, in this context, is that it came when Job, having trusted that ‘ his Redeemer lives’, in the midst of his suffering, stood before the Lord, and was about to see the ‘dawn’. Was about to have his ‘ darkness turned to light’.
Yesterday, during the sermon on Healing, I made reference to John Wesley, of whom it was said, by his preaching and social activism, brought about a Revival in 18th Century Britain, and helped to ‘give back Britain it’s soul’.

I share with you, under instructions by the Spirit, the situation in Britain then. In order that we may appreciate that, with the help of people who trust in Him, God will, one day, turn Jamaica’s dark days of Crime and Violence, Corruption in high places, Suffering and Injustice and wanton Immorality in #WrongAddrresses and in #Muchsoughtafteraddrresses into light. The dawn will indeed come one day, when the ‘ wicked will be shaken out’. Those who persist in doing evil, and refuse to accept the free Gift of Salvation, despite the fact that God is patient. And waits, and longs for the Prodigal Son and Daughter, with open arms. To forgive!
Listen carefully then as we journey back to 18th Century Britain and see if we can find any hope for our nation.

“Wesley Bready described the deep savagery of much of 18th century Britain, which was characterized by the wanton torture of animals for sport, the bestial drunkenness of the populace, the inhuman traffic in African negroes, the kidnapping of fellow countrymen for export and sale as salves, the mortality of of parish children, the universal gambling obsession, the savagery of the prison system and penal code, the welter of immorality, the prostitution of the theatre, the growing prevalence of lawlessness, superstition and lewdness; the political bribery and corruption, the ecclesiastical arrogance and truculence….the insincerity and debasement rampant in Church and State – such manifestations suggest that the British people were then perhaps as deeply degraded and debauched as any people in Christendom.

But then things began to change…slavery and the slave trade were abolished, the prison system humanized, conditions in factory and mine improved, education became available to the poor, trades unions began.

And so the historian posed the key question – Whence, then, this pronounced humanity – this passion for social justice, and sensitivity to human wrongs. The answer he suggests lay with the Evangelical revival of that time in British History which did more to transfigure the moral character of the general populace than any other movement British History can recall. Wesley then, a preacher of the gospel and a prophet of social righteousness was the man who restored to a nation its soul.”

Remarkable similarity to today’s Jamaica is it not? And we are always reminded that Jesus is the same today, yesterday and forevermore. What He has done before, He will do it again. We just need to believe, and be obedient to His calling to have mercy on the least ‘ of these my children’. The naked, the hungry, those in all kinds of prisons, the sick and the destitute – suffering humanity. Including the wicked and the ungrateful.
I close with a final except. One that requires no additional comment.
There is a popular gospel song, the chorus of which reminds us that ;
‘We need to get back
To the basics of life
A heart that is pure
A love that is blind
A faith that is fervently
Grounded in Christ’

THE THIRD MESSAGE – begins a narrative which continues in the next message on the importance of ‘abiding in Christ’. Before we hurry to ask Him to ‘fix the world’.


Yesterday I woke up with this verse in my head. The King James Version.
” If ye abide in me, and my word abides in thee, then ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be given unto thee”. John 15:7

So I read the entire chapter. Other revelations came into my head. Then one of my favorite hymns came also.
” I’m pressing on the upward way.. “.

Conclusion: While the many challenges that we face move us to ‘ ask Jesus what we will’; the crime and violence; the deeply polarized political culture – a disagreement in a debate leads to Senators becoming ‘ enemies’ #SouthAfricanThanksgivingPrayer; can’t pay the light bill; husband giving trouble; pickney giving trouble; sudden illness; having a hard time at work or studying….. all kinds of stuff… put a stop to #DonaldTrump: what Jesus would have us do is simply to first ‘ abide in Him’. Just spend time with Him and love Him and worship Him. For He is the Higher Ground that we all seek.

Then we shall ask, pray, and it shall be given unto us. Including removing the doubts and fears, and protection from Satan’s darts. Preventing us from doing ‘ our will and not His will’ – the great temptation that every child of God faces daily. In the Senate; in media; at home; at work; on WhatsApp; at work; wherever….a lived reality which a Baptist Pastor and member of this WhatsApp ministry reminded me about recently… Amen


I’m pressing on the upward way,
New heights I’m gaining every day;
Still praying as I onward bound,
“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”


Lord, lift me up, and let me stand
By faith on Canaan’s tableland;
A higher plane than I have found,
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.


My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where these abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.


I want to live above the world,
Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled;
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground.


I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I’ll pray till rest I’ve found,
“Lord, lead me on to higher ground.”

Lucien W. Jones

THE FOURTH MESSAGE – The instruction to ‘ abide with Christ’ continues.


Premature babies are dying from infections. The business of the Senate is still on hold: with no resolution in sight! Murder is up by 20% compared to last year; even though thank God all other major crimes are down. Motor cycle fatalities have just about doubled since last year, thus pushing up road fatalities sbove 300. And we have two months to go before year end! Breast cancer month is coming to an end as we mobilize all efforts to ensure ‘ early detection’.

So the natural tendency is to cry put to God in prayer. And so we should! But in continuation of the message a couple days ago, ‘ If ye abide in me….’
the Spirit of the Lord led me to reflect of our need to seek the Glory of God first. In and through one of the most haunting songs I’ve heard. We used to sing it regular in Church, but of late not much anymore.


Enter the chamber
Be free Holy Spirit
Speak thru me gently
As I close the door
Heavenly Lover
Let Thy presence cover
Shekinah unending
Is all I long for

For if all we really long for is to ‘ lift up the Name of Jesus’ then our work as Missionaries, or those who choose the ‘ moral high ground ‘ will become much more rewarding. And effective!

The same message came a couple of nights ago from Oswald Chambers Devotional readings.

Verse: Go ye therefore and disciple all nations. Matt. 28:19
…..The challenge to the Missionary does not come on the line that people are difficult to get saved, that backsliders are difficult to reclaim, that there is a ‘ wadge ‘ of callous indifference: but along the line of his own personal relationship to Jesus Christ.
” Believe ye that I am able to do this “.
Our Lord puts that question squarely, it faces us in every individual case we meet. The one great challenge is – Do I know my Risen Lord?
Do I know the power of His indwelling Spirit?

For a child of God to be fully empowered by the Holy Spirit, there must be a desire to spend quality time, to have a relationship with the One who died for our sins. And not for us just to seek Him in times of trouble.

And yesterday as I spent time praying for the desire to just ‘ Abide in Him’, rather than rushing to ask, this familiar verse from that real old time hymn, Rock of Ages came into my mind. One which speaks graphically about both abiding and seeking.

3. Nothing in my hand I bring,
simply to the cross I cling;
naked, come to thee for dress;
helpless, look to thee for grace;
foul, I to the fountain fly;
wash me, Savior, or I die.

May we, daily, cultivate the desire in our souls to see the Glory , the Shekinah, of the Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus Christ.

Then, and only then will we be able to, with the Power and Wisdom of God, intervene effectively in the standoff in the Senate; fight against, not flesh and blood, but the powers of darkness which cause men to kill and rape and do all manner of evil; to rescue our people from death and injury on our roads; to put a shield around our neonates in hospital and in the womb, and to mobilize all our forces to fight against cancer.

Lucien W. Jones



And as I began my prayers before writing what the Lord laid on my heart all day yesterday, in respect of the theme above – about which He has been revealing to me a long time now – a voice said, ‘ no hymn today’. Seriously! I kid you not. And immediately ‘ I must have my Saviour with me, for I dare not walk alone’ came into my mind’. #AlmostFrightening.

Even though I am eager to share, excited even, the latest revelation from the Lord ( always in context) the Prayers I use in the mornings come first. Good thing! Think about the opening verses of all three – ON WAKING: ON RISING: ON GOING TO WORK respectively – and see how they are, not just relevant, but of critical importance to the message.

‘ Living Lord, you have watched over me, and put your hand on my head, during the long dark hours of night…….’

‘ Rule over me this day, O God, leading me on the path of righteousness. Put your Word in my mind and your truth in my heart……..’

‘ Give me dear Lord, a pure heart and wise mind, that I may carry out the my work according to your will……..’
The third one ends with this profound truth:
….Above all, remind me constantly that I have nothing except what you give me, and can do nothing except what you enable me.

So how did all of this start? It’s not always easy to say, but looking back, words from the Old Testament reading for my Church this Sunday were the possible trigger.

” Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and will all your soul, and with all your strength…… Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you you walk along the road……”
Deuteronomy 6:4-7 NIV

And what is the context? Life in general but three things in particular.

The continued derailment of the important debate on which court ought to be the final appellate court for #Jamaicalandwelove; and the hijacking of the nation’s business by the standoff between the opposing Senators. The various press conferences, the interviews, the response to the motion in the Senate yesterday, and outside the Senate. Where is Wisdom in all of this?

A documentary, I saw last night. Long Road to Hell: America in Iraq hosted by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. And how wise or unwise was it to have invaded Iraq; and which incursion, some have said, has given rise to a ‘ failed state’, ISIS and refugees flooding Europe. All matters of great concern to the International community.

A ‘ revelation’ yesterday at the Tivoli Inquiry and broadcast on #RJRFM94 about the diary of a notorious gang leader -Stonecrusher. A gangster who pledged his guns in open allegiance to ‘ my Don’ ‘Dudus’ Christopher Coke – now incarcerated in the USA, and the pursuit of whom led to the deaths of so many persons and triggered the need for the Inquiry. The diary was retrieved after the gangster was killed by the police, and also revealed that he was part of the ‘ army of gunmen’ who went to TG – Tivoli Gardens – to protect Coke. How did we ever get there? What wisdom have we rejected? For amazingly, the dead man, also claimed to ‘ trust in God’.

One of, if not the great theological truths, about which I have often pondered, and which entered my mind yesterday, is to be found in the story about Gideon. In the Book of Judges.

A simple Word says it all:
” The Lord said to Gideon, ‘You have too many men for me to deliver Median into their hands. In order that Israel may not boast against me that her own strength has saved her, announce….. “. And we all know how the narrative played out in Judges chapter 7.

So from the profound and the Eternal, the Atonement for our Sins on the Cross of Calvary, as ‘ we cannot save ourselves’; to the mundane and the everyday viz. the wisdom to choose the right partner, the strength to survive another day, the discernment to make the correct decisions, the message of a life with Christ is the same. There must be no dependence on our strength, nor our own wisdom. There must be no boasting that my Political Party has achieved anything, nor my President has acted wisely, nor my Denomination is the right one.

I pray God we learn these lessons wherever we are being discipled. As that is the essence of the call to be ‘ born again of the Spirit’. As flesh and blood, our wisdom, our understanding of how things should proceed, cannot and will never gain us entry ‘ into the Kingdom of God inaugurated, in this dispensation, on the first Good Friday.
Further, such an approach to life, forgetting that we have nothing that He has not given to us, will never achieve the peace and prosperity we see. Whether in 2030 or beyond in Jamaicalandwelove! Or whether as announced by the new Sustainable Development Goals according to the UN sponsored Post 2015 debate Internationally.

That is the reason for the ancient command to love God with all our heart. And since a wise and loving God knew that on our own we cannot love Him, as He is worthy of being loved and obeyed, He sent His Son so that ‘ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’.

That is why, every morning, and every hour, whether in the Senate, in the White House or in Tivoli Gardens, or wherever, we must make sure that:

I must have my Savior with me, for I dare not, and cannot walk alone. Otherwise, ‘ in the name of god’ we will do all kinds of madness. Call it wisdom. And boast!