Leaven spreads: be warned


My daughter, bless her soul, recommended that I watch the video above which features a sermon by her pastor. (Scroll down to the sermon …or watch the entire service if you have time) Preached on Pentecostal Sunday, but not a Pentecostal sermon as that’s not their tradition. She’s no longer an Anglican Church, but goes to  a Presbyterian church ( long story)  in South Florida, by God’s grace.

I beg of you to listen to the sermon carefully. Right to the very end! To hear about the fact that “leaven spreads “ and that church discipline, which begins and includes the faithful preaching of God’s Word, ultimately leads, hopefully to repentance and restoration to God.

But first consider carefully what I read last night about :


I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened – Ephesians 1:8

……That’s why one of the greatest requests we can pray for each other, as Paul did for the Ephesians, is for a spirit of wisdom and revelation ( vs 17). Or as he so colorfully puts it” that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened “.

I pray God that as you listen and watch the sermon above, by an anointed man of God, that people go to a hospital ( which the church is fundamentally) to get better, to get treatment, to become holy as God is holy and has called us in Christ Jesus to be holy, you will take sin more seriously. 

 I fear that unless we understand that Christ  died for our  sins,  we will not take sin seriously, and therefore the church will continue to be ineffective in leading this nation away from the many manifestations of sin – which is what the headlines are all about and which cause us so much pain and grief and mourning. All because in some measure “ the leaven has spread “ and we no longer mourn when sin rears its ugly head in the church. Mercy! 

O God we pray thee to renew  thy church with the Holy Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that the church may help to renew the nation(s) where people  have gotten it  all wrong about : Sin and Righteousness and Judgment – which is why the crucified and resurrected Jesus,  sent the Holy Spirit, the “ other comforter….He was the first One) in dramatic fashion ( but don’t focus on the drama, but listen to what the Word of God says why He came) on the Day of Pentecost. To convict the world of Sin, and righteousness and Judgement. Everywhere! In Jamaica and in Florida. Pray for Father Mike at Old Cutler Presbyterian Church who is on this platform, for when you preach the Truth Satan will attack you. And when you watch the video you will hear The Truth. Trust me!

In the name of Jesus I am obedient.


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